Red Light Therapy for body healing.

What is Red Light Therapy ?
This therapy boosts Energy production , helps in respiration process and heals body. Red /light has shorter wave length (620-750 nano) which helps in better penetration in the body. It has ability to reach deeper tissues for muscle recovery , joint pain and many more. It has been known for collagen production , energy productions and helps improve sleep.
This therapy produces Nitric Oxide in cells that helps in wound healing , muscle soreness etc. This therapy also reduces imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body , thus reducing oxidative stress.

- Improves Skin Health
- Improves Mental power
- Fat reduction
- Recovery Enhancement
- faster wound recovery
- increased testosterone production.

How it Works ?
- Position yourself atleast 6-10 inches away from your device.
- Make sure you expose your skin for effective or great results
- 10-15 minutes treatment is given on whole body
- This treatment can be taken anytime during the day.