Check Out The Board Results Of Tappu Sena in Real Life

Tapu Sena is very famous on SAB TV.Tapu is main leader of Tapu sena.Tapu Sena is very famous among childrens.Tapu Sena is well known for naughty & smart activites in Taarak Mehta Ka Oolatah Chashmah.Taarak Mehta Ka Ooaltah Chashmah is a leading comedy serial of TV & SAB TV. The serial has completed 1682 episode journey on TV.This is the only one show on TV which completed 7 years nonstop continuity.
All the childrens were little bit in stress for Board Exams Results. No,doubt child artists of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooaltah Chashmah were also amongst them.But finally after result , all Tapu Sena members are excited & are happy.All scored good in board exams.So we provide details of Tapu sena results:
Bhavya Gandhi (Tapu) – 74%
Kush Shah (Goli) – 81%
Old sonu(left show for studies) – 84%